For the sake of convenience in filling of the application form, it is suggested preparing the following documents.
Identity document 身分證明文件
Relevant academic credential 相關學歷證明文件 (成績表及畢業證書)
Certificates and results of public examination result (e.g., HKDSE/HKALE/HKCEE or others)
公開考試成績及文憑 (如香港中學文憑/香港中學會考/高級程度會考或其他
School reports for the last three years 過去三年校內成績
Certifying letters of relevant working experiences 相關工作經驗證明文件
A credit card or PPS account can be used to pay the application fee 用以繳付申請費用的信用卡或繳費靈戶口
Applicants are not allowed to change the programme choice(s) and priority after the submission of application.
For any issues in your application, please email to or call 3702 4388.
如申請時遇到任何疑問,請電郵至 或致電3702 4388。
For 2024-25 January Intake
Applicable for Master of Corporate Governance (Part-time) and Professional Diploma in Property Management (Part-time Mode)